midnight commander

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: midnight commander
started by: martinschultze

Posted by martinschultze on Sep. 24 2004,11:46
I would like to use the midnight commander, but I can hardly read the text with the DSL color setting (text is grey, backgroud is black).
Therefore I would like to set the colors to the default values (white/blue).

My question:
How can I set the mc colors in DSL?

Thanks for your help in advance.


Posted by clacker on Sep. 24 2004,12:53
If you look at the < Midnight Commander FAQ >, they talk about changing the colors.  It doesn't look all that easy, but I hope it helps.
Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 24 2004,21:38
I agree, the default colors are very hard to read.

Add my vote to the "please change the default MC colors for the next version of DSL" crowd.

Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 24 2004,23:49
A simple way to make it readable is to use the command "mc -b".  This removes all filetype-specific coloring, and should use whatever color you have set as foreground on your current terminal.

edit:  This doesn't seem to work with xterm, but does with rxvt and aterm

Posted by ramonio on Oct. 20 2004,09:52
You can install a plugin too,
< http://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/mctheme/ >

Posted by roadie on Oct. 20 2004,16:01
The first thing I do on a DSL install is replace MC with the original, gives me a readable background, and by going to xterm and adding some libs I even get mouse scrolling. It's one of the few packages not done with apt or dpkg, as I recall apt wanted to add tons of files.

Lazy, I know but for some reason I hate tabbing in MC and that background kills my eyes. I also like to have the full power of MC.
Seems to me that Feather is using a blue background in MC, but I don't have a burnt cd handy to try.


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