installing captive-ntfs issue

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: installing captive-ntfs issue
started by: charleswong

Posted by charleswong on Oct. 19 2004,04:56

I'm installing captive-ntfs to read/write NTFS partition to the DSL. After installation and the mount command was issued, an error occurred. Captive-NTFS needs kernel-headers-x.y.z-i386.deb.

The kernel image version in my DSL version is 2.4.22.xfs. But I could not find a match version kernel-headers in the webiste: The closest version is kernel-headers-2.4.16-386 in the website. Can I install this kernel header version (2.4.16) to the kernel image version (2.4.22)?

Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 19 2004,05:07

You need the matching headers..

Try here..

< >


Posted by charleswong on Oct. 19 2004,11:19
Thanks for your information.

But there are two similar packages: kernel-headers-2.4.22-xfs_2.4.22-3-2_i386.deb and kernel-headers-2.4.22-xfs-386_2.4.22-3-2_i386.deb. And their sizes have big differences! Which one should I use?

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