
Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: cpu-speed/videocard/etc..
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Oct. 17 2004,09:02
I want to read-out all sorts of hardware info of the pc on which i am working (in DSL). I know that there is textual info in some directories in Linux (but i don't know which one). Ultimately i want to have a docking-application which tells me stuff like cpu-speed, pci-cards present, etc.. (or a application that does that). (MOST DOCKING APPLICATIONS CAN'T BE INSTALLED IN DSL BECAUSE INSTALLATION REQUIERES A COMPILER, WHICH I DON'T HAVE)
Posted by skaos on Oct. 17 2004,11:53
You can find processor info in /proc/cpuinfo and much other info can be found in /proc as well (or in some of the subdirectories).
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