How to configure Monitor Refresh Rate

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: How to configure Monitor Refresh Rate
started by: Porongus

Posted by Porongus on Oct. 14 2004,22:59
I cant use or install DSL to the hd be couse when i load the xwindow, the monitor doesn`t suppor more than 60hz refresh rate, how can I manage it from t he console, after booting?

Auxilio, Help

Posted by on Oct. 15 2004,01:03
***add's his own question

"Does DSL support multiple monitors?"

Posted by Patrick on Oct. 15 2004,06:48
** add's his question..

I have a Illyama Visionmaster 450 monitor (19 inch) and when i am in X, my monitor makes a high pitch noise... (i guess there's something wrong in the configuration)

(by the way, the monitor is quiet as a church mouse in Windows XP (any resolution, refrash rate)


Posted by I went to bed very late on Oct. 15 2004,11:54
there are several boot options ->
press F2 when you are allowed to type sth. for the first time after Power on your machine.

There appears a list with commands to use a more safe mode.

Posted by Porongus on Oct. 15 2004,20:06
Hello, I want to thank U all for supporting me, I found the solution in the start menu pressing F2, using the command line:
/ dsl vga=normal

now i`m enjoying and learning DSL

Thanks to you all

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