Adding FireFox to my USB Stick

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Adding FireFox to my USB Stick
started by: greenfrog

Posted by greenfrog on Oct. 13 2004,19:32
I use MyDsl to get FireFox.uci and it works.
Now how do I copy it to my USB Stick so it is permanent?


Posted by dsl1355 on Oct. 13 2004,20:25
use emelfm to copy firefox.uci to /cdrom then it will be installled at boot time
Posted by greenfrog on Oct. 14 2004,14:36
I was not clear on my post.
I am booting from a USB stick.
I have downloaded the FireFox.uci using MyDsl.
When I reboot it is no longer on the screen.

How do I make it permanent on my USB Stick?


Posted by henk1955 on Oct. 14 2004,14:42
if you use dsl-0.8.2 then.

download firefox.uci to /home/dsl
then copy it to /cdrom

note /cdrom = your usb-stick

Posted by greenfrog on Oct. 14 2004,14:57
Tried copying from /tmp to /cdrom.
Get message "cannot create regular file Permission Denied"

Tried to chmod 777 tmp
No go

What am I doing wrong?


Posted by henk1955 on Oct. 14 2004,15:03
0. maybe you have to do a : mount /drom remount,rw
first to make the usb-stick writeable

1. are you sure the firefox.uci isnot copied?
2 .if not the try using the emelfm as root.

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