Auto start an application in FLUXBOX

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Auto start an application in FLUXBOX
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 20 2004,09:08
I want to startup with several applications running after DSL has started up. (for instance sylpheed en opera active at the startup of DSL).  Which file do i need to edit? (i tried icewm but i didn't like it)
Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 20 2004,09:22
Enter them into your .xinitrc file if they are programs made to run in X

Just be sure you leave " fluxbox " as the LAST LINE in the file.

Here is one of mine for an example..

# put X windows programs that you want started here.
# Be sure to add at the end of each command the &
# grep enhance /proc/cmdline >/dev/null
# if [ $? == 0 ]; then
enhance &>/dev/null &
# fi
# dillo -f /usr/share/doc/damnsmall/getting_started.html &>/dev/null &
killall -9 wmcpuload
wmcpuload -c 0 &>/dev/null &
wmcpuload -c 1 &>/dev/null &
# kills the default wmcpuload,
# and adds one for each cpu
xset s off s noblank
# kills the autoscreen blanker


Posted by guest on Sep. 20 2004,09:25
if you look at /home/dsl/.xinitrc you will see a line like:
dillo -f /user/share.... &>dev/null &
you could add:
sylpheed &
opera &

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 20 2004,09:45
Success! (i only thing that went "wrong" was: i had to add "/ramdisk/home/dsl/opt/opera/opera &" in stead of just "opera &")

But it works fine now..!! THNX

Posted by on Oct. 14 2004,02:06
And thank you! You just helped me stop some annoying apps from starting at boot time :D
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