How to improve HD boot times

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: How to improve HD boot times
started by: irun5k

Posted by irun5k on Aug. 03 2004,15:27
I am using DSL as pretty much an "embedded" type OS installed on a laptop HD with an EPIA 5000 Micro ITX project.

I am currently trying to tweak the OS to boot as fast as possible with a couple of considerations- my hardware and configuration will never change and the OS only does one thing- run a slideshow app (feh) at startup.

The autoconfigure startup script does a few things that are very time consuming.  First, it rebuilds an  I'm not sure what this is, but I'm pretty sure there is no need to rebuild it each time since this is a static, "embedded" project.  So, I removed this stuff from the autoconfig script.  

Second thing, I turned off the USB/hardware probe stuff in the autoconfig script.  I don't have any USB devices and the project only uses an LCD and no peripherals.  This step was taking a while and no use to have it if I don't need it.

With just these changes I got my boot time down to 30 seconds from BIOS splash screen to application startup- and this is on older VIA hardware!  Don't try this at home with any other OS!

Now I'm wondering how much of the autoconfig script is really needed at all for an environment like mine.  I tried removing it altogether but then the HD partitions aren't set up correctly: they are mounted read only and there are other issues.

Please share your ideas on a special use/single purpose DSL HD installation.

Posted by TyphoonMentat on Aug. 03 2004,15:47 only needs to be rebuilt if you've installed libraries, and even so the installation of those libraries should cause it to be rebuilt anyway. Did you remove the bit about regenerating modules.dep?
Posted by DonttPanic on Sep. 17 2004,23:05
What directory is the autoconfig script in?
Posted by irun5k on Oct. 12 2004,20:40
The knoppix autoconfig stuff, I believe, was in /etc/rc0.d
Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 12 2004,22:36
Some of it is inside /etc/init.d/
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