Yahoo mail in Sylpheed

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Yahoo mail in Sylpheed
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Oct. 08 2004,08:16
I can't get my mail from Yahoo in sylpheed... (

What can i do/change?

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 08 2004,14:35
You could use the < FetchYahoo > script to download messages to your system, and I'm guessing you could access them with Sylpheed from there.  I haven't tried this myself, but I use FetchYahoo and Mutt without trouble.
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 08 2004,16:07
also, unless you pay for your yahoo, you don't have access to

haven't tried FetchYahoo, but < Yahoo!pops > works with Mozilla Thunderbird or opera's mail client, (or outlooks but we dont care about that).


Posted by WoofyDugfock on Oct. 11 2004,11:33
Mmm - I'm having trouble getting fetchyahoo going. I'd appreciate any suggestions. The story thusfar:

1. I've downloaded and unpacked fetchyahoo_2.8.6 into home/dsl
2. I used apt-get to install the various libs etc as suggested at which worked fine for all EXCEPT libcrypt-ssleay-perl. For that, apt-get said this was listed but not available or had been removed or went to heaven or something.
3. Thinking it might run without this I switched off ssl in fetchyahoorc and tried to launch from 'Run Program'. Nothing.
4. Double-clicking on the executable in emelfm (a Windows habit) gives tne error message:
"can't locate HTTP/Request/ in @INC"
5. Thinking it must need the ssl I went to cpan and got Net_SSLEAY-1.25.tar.gz which was the suggested alternative source for these libs and followed the instructions at < >
This went well until ./Makefile.PL - t
which aborted and said "Can't locate ExtUtils/ in @INC".

Both error messages above also listed the other stuff that was found in @INC, so the directory exists.

Any suggestions?

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