Remastering from a USB distro

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Remastering from a USB distro
started by: drewb0y

Posted by drewb0y on Oct. 10 2004,22:38
I acquired a copy of Flonix which is based on DSL, no idea which version of DSL, but it must be older because it appears to use syslinux. I like it so far because it seems a lot faster on my older thinkpad than a cd based distro. However, some of the apps are painfully old, and there are others which I would like to add to it.

So my question is, if I choose to remaster this Flonix, should I just use the same instructions for DSL, and boot off the cd that I have? Or would I be better off just starting with DSL and customizing it to fit my needs?

I am pretty competent in linux, and have done quite a few installs, but never a live cd remaster. I'm thinking it would be quicker for me to customize this usb distro, but I may be wrong.

Any suggestions, ideas, or even opinions would be appreciated.

Also one thing I've noticed is that this distro started out as an open source thing and now that it has gone commercial, their support is almost nonexistent. They have a very inactive forum.

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