Total n00b.  Question about ~/.

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Total n00b.  Question about ~/.
started by: tiny_fan

Posted by tiny_fan on Oct. 10 2004,05:25
I was trying to update .xinitrc but couldn't find the right file until I remembered something about ~/.xinitrc.  All the other .xinitrc files I found (/usr/X11R6/lib.....  & /etc/X11.....) were generic but ~/.xinitrc had the X config in it.

What is with the ~/. ?  What is this location?  All the X11 docs said to edit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinitrc/xinitrc but that didn't look right.

Please help a total n00b.


Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 10 2004,05:42
EDIT < booted out by request ! > EDIT   :p

When in emelfm , to the left of the directory bar window, there is an " H "
Click it to enable seeing hidden files, which are labeled starting with a  " . "
( like .xinitrc )


Posted by doom4 on Oct. 10 2004,05:43
~ is your home directory

for example if your username is peter then the directory behind ~ is  /home/peter

have fun with linux

Posted by doom4 on Oct. 10 2004,05:44
unfair :)
i wanted to help him  :D  :p  :O

Posted by tiny_fan on Oct. 10 2004,16:04
Thanks guys.  THIS BOARD ROCKS !!!  

Being a n00b I lurk through the threads looking for ideas for projects and I have to say this distro has a great community of contributors.

I was intimidated by some of the full-blown distros but DSL is great for n00bs (and guru's as well).

Keep the faith.


Posted by Ninja on Oct. 10 2004,16:53
Thanks ke4nt1, that was annoying me that i couln't find the files,
man its annoying how one simple little thing that snags me every time.

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