bootmanager usb stick

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: bootmanager usb stick
started by: doom4

Posted by doom4 on Oct. 10 2004,13:58

i ve a quite funny problem. installed dsl on my usb stick and everything was working nice. but i wanted to try to build my own usb linux. so i installed grub in the mbr was building a kernel and so on. every thing was nice. but then i wanted to go back to dsl. now my funny prob. on some computers the stick is booting normal but some computers detected the grub in the mbr and dont boot. i tryed to reset the mbr with the mbr package but no chance. i think that some bios handle the usb stick as real harddrive and look in the mbr and some not.

perhaps someone knows a possibility???

thx and greets

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