.xinitrc "damaged"

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: .xinitrc "damaged"
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Oct. 07 2004,08:25
I added 1 line in .xinitrc which resulted in, that X won't start anymore ( i added: vncviewer & )

How can i edit .xinitrc without X?


Posted by henk1955 on Oct. 07 2004,08:47
nano .xinitrc
Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 07 2004,13:04
Make sure that   fluxbox    is the last line in that file !!


Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 07 2004,16:36
Quote (Patrick @ Oct. 07 2004,04:25)
I added 1 line in .xinitrc which resulted in, that X won't start anymore ( i added: vncviewer & )

How can i edit .xinitrc without X?


vi .xinitrc works good to


Posted by henk1955 on Oct. 07 2004,17:13
yes it can be done with vi.
but vi far to dificult to use for normal human.
i think i is imposible to guess what keys to press.
nano atleast give some hint how to save and quit.

Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 07 2004,21:53
Quote (henk1955 @ Oct. 07 2004,13:13)
yes it can be done with vi.
but vi far to dificult to use for normal human.
i think i is imposible to guess what keys to press.
nano atleast give some hint how to save and quit.

< http://www.chem.brown.edu/instructions/vi.html >
< http://www-jics.cs.utk.edu/I2UNIX/unix_guide/node16.html >

Not hard at all...its actually quite easy
arrow down to where you want text...hit i (toggle to insert) type or right click for paste...esc (toggle to stop insert)...[shift]zz to save



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