Can't Find eth0

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Can't Find eth0
started by: caturok

Posted by caturok on Oct. 04 2004,11:28
i a ready update gnu.dsl and gcc but why my eth0 can't find ( error ) how i can configure etho
Posted by Patrick on Oct. 05 2004,09:15
DSLpanel -> Netcardconfig -> launch  ???  ???
Posted by CaturOk on Oct. 06 2004,05:53
Pls More detail for u answer

thanx b4

Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 06 2004,11:57
On your desktop at boottime, there is an icon called DSLPanel ..
Click it, and you find in the top left corner, the NetCardConfig ..
Click the "Launch" button to run it..


Right click on your desktop to get to your menu ,
Goto  System > NetSetup > netcardconfig ..


Posted by CaturOk on Oct. 07 2004,05:48
i mean how to configure eth0 in vi ( i want manual )
is that in resolv.conf or ???????
and then why my ymess.dsl can't run corruption

thanx one's again

Posted by henk1955 on Oct. 07 2004,07:07
i made a little file i called
in it is
Code Sample

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
route add default gw
echo "nameserver" >/etc/resolv.conf

now at start i run this little script.
to make sure it does not interfere with the dhcp client at startup i boot with parameter nodhcp. it works for me

Posted by CaturOk on Oct. 07 2004,08:51
ok i will try first ( because if my computer want to restart the config eth0 must be setting again )

thanx for u response

( CaturOk From Indonesia )

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