Need helping booting it from cd

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Need helping booting it from cd
started by: |2yan

Posted by |2yan on Sep. 08 2004,10:54
hi all. my first post in this forum. i want some help. i actually have no idea what i have to do. i would have burned my dsl onto a cd except my cd writer is not working. so i have to use a virtual drive, i.e. i'm using daemon tools to mount the iso image. so my question is, i mounted it on drive z. how would i boot it? i know how to go into the setup and doing things from there, just a basic walkthrough would be appreciated. this is my very first time, ever trying linux. i don't want to mess up anything.  i hope i'm clear enough.


Posted by WoofyDugfock on Oct. 07 2004,07:43
This reply is rather late but might be of use to forum searchers:

An opinion expressed on another part of the board when this question came up is that it does not appear to be possible to boot from an iso image.

[I know on Macs OS 8.1(?) it used to be possible to load OS system files onto a ramdisk and reboot from the ramdisk - I believe Macs used to keep the ram live for a time during reboots.  I remember I tried this and it worked - fast as blazes running Mac OS out of ram.

This suggests it might be possible to work something out on a Mac ie if DSL runs on one that is ...?  Of course I may be talking out my arse ...]

Posted by WoofyDog on Oct. 07 2004,07:46
Forget it I think my arse actually is talking ...shut up down there!
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