Formatting the drive?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Formatting the drive?
started by: BobJohnson

Posted by BobJohnson on Oct. 03 2004,05:16
Im trying to put DSL on the hard drive of my computer, but the problem is that Windows ME is already on the hard drive. Ive tried booting from a floppy and formatting from there, but the computer refuses to boot from the floppy for some reason. Anyway, when i try and start DSL from the cd, it loads, and then kicks to a screen that says:

"Cant find KNOPPIX file system, sorry. Dropping you to a (very limited) shell. Press reset button to quit".

This is all i can do really, unless there is something i can do at the Boot: menu. What i want to know is can i format the drive from either this screen, or the bootmenu screen. Btw i have to boot using vga=normal, because im using an old monitor. Thanks.

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