Help with booting

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Help with booting
started by: NightChild

Posted by NightChild on Oct. 02 2004,08:20
Hi Everyone,

I've just downloaded DSL and the boot.img file. I've burned the ISO to a CD and rawwritten the boot image to a floppy. I tried booting directly from the CD but received the message saying it couldn't find the CD-ROM device (I see others have gotten this message to). So, I tried booting from the floppy.

Everything goes well until it tries to load the kernel...

When it gets to the kernel loading stage it just sits there forever. I see the light on my ZIP 100 drive flash but never once does it actually access to CD ROM drive. So, I tried booting with the following options:

dsl fromhd=/dev/hd1
dsl fromhd=/dev/hd2

No difference. I'm assuming that /dev/hd0 would refer to my Win32 drive so I won't try to boot from there. Any ideas how I can get DSL to boot? I am really wanting to get my wife introduced to Linux and hopefully end up with an HD install. But I need to be able to boot the thing first. LOL


Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 02 2004,14:57


dsl fromhd=hda1


dsl fromhd=hdb1

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