Frugall Instalation cheatcodes

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Frugall Instalation cheatcodes
started by: gui

Posted by gui on Oct. 02 2004,03:02
Now when you make Frugall Installation you can select keyboard language which partition for mydsl and possible to pass more cheatcodes as in live-cd? When I boot from floppy I can edit syslinux.cfg to pass some boot-parameters I tryied to edit /dev/hda1/boot/lilo.conf and add parameters to APPEND but lilo command did not work How can I pass more options to Frugall Installation?
Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 02 2004,14:25
Did you re-run lilo after you made your changes?

I don't use LiLo but I believe you need to run something like:

sudo lilo -v

after you have saved your new lilo.conf file or the changes will not take effect.

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