help me with live cd linux

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: help me with live cd linux
started by: econobeing

Posted by econobeing on Oct. 01 2004,02:25
hi, i'm a newb to linux, and also a noob to making boot CDs. i have NO idea where to start, how to do it, anything, all i know is that i need the DSL .iso file, thats it...

if somebody could give me insturctions on the easiest/safest method to boot this off of a CD i would be VERY appreciative.

i'm using winXP if that matters.

Posted by Patrick on Oct. 01 2004,08:57
Best is to get "Nero" (or an other cd-burn-program) and burn the iso to cd. If got it also in XP. If yoy don't have Nero, get a freeware burn-program (such as:

< >

(i've got that one from nonags, a freeware-internetpage one of the best!)


Posted by econobeing on Oct. 01 2004,10:05
i have nero, but when i try to make a boot CD it tells me to insert a floppy before i continue, and it tells me to make a boot disk out of the floppy... i dont know how to do that in XP, because i cant just go to add/remove programs or format like in other windows OS's...
Posted by henk1955 on Oct. 01 2004,10:22
if your nero is installed correct. then double clicking the *.iso will open nero with "burn compilation" just press burn.

or start nero
in open dialog select files of type "image files *.nrg,*iso,*.cue)
now find the dsl-0.8.2.iso select it. press open
"burn compilation" opend, press burn.

at least thats how it works for me

Posted by econobeing on Oct. 01 2004,20:21
i just burn the .iso and thats it?

i can choose "disc image or saved project" do i open that up and selecte the .iso? and when i do that it has an option "Destination Drive:" of either D: (my cd-rw drive) or "image recorder" both have little icons, the D drive one says CD and the image recorder option says image. which do i select?

Posted by econobeing on Oct. 01 2004,20:43
heh heh, i just did that (i chose the D: drive as the Destination Drive) and it started booting i think.

after it detected the CD, it went to a screen that had the penguin, and said "Welcome to DSL" with the DSL in ASCII art. then it said something about detecting USB devices or drives (i forget which), then did a little green loading bar looking thing.

after that it went to a black screen, i waited a couple minutes but nothing happened, am i supposed to move the mouse or hit a key or something? or does it take a long time to load?

i'm exited already because i think i'm pretty close to getting it working!

Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 02 2004,14:20
Try typing in "dsl failsafe" at the F2 boot prompt.

Maybe some part of the autodetection is not working correctly.

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