how do i create a boot floppy disk

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: how do i create a boot floppy disk
started by: sonix

Posted by sonix on Sep. 08 2004,09:59
hi guys, another DSL noob here.. ^_^ i just want to know if how do i create a floppy boot disk since i want to run/install DSL on my old laptop computer but i can't configure it to boot from the CD.. if possible, please make the instructions step by step.. any help will be greatly appreciated thanks!!
Posted by muntaza on Sep. 08 2004,14:40
hallo, I'm from Indonesia

dd if=/{your mount cdrom}/boot.img of=/dev/fd0
dd if=/mnt/cdrom/boot.img of=/dev/fd0

setting your bios to boot from floppy


Posted by walnut on Oct. 02 2004,04:38
that great infor there, but what if you are running windows??

here is how to do it under windows

Download rawrite (search google)
and use it to write the boot.img to a floppy disk

but where is the "boot.img" file located in DSL 0.8.1, i have used winRAR to unzip all the files to my HDD, but cant find the "boot.img" to make a floppy to boot the OS from, it was there in version 0.6.2 (the last one i was running) and i need it so that i can run DSL

help please

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 02 2004,05:06
The image is not on the CD.
You can download it from the same place you got the DSL iso
< >

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