Starting firefox 0.9.3 with several pages

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Starting firefox 0.9.3 with several pages
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,11:53
Hello Yall,

I would like to start my firefox (0.9.3) automatically with 3 different pages (( this page :-)

( My online mail-box

( Teletext news

In 3 tab-pages

Is this possible?

Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 28 2004,11:57
I add the tabs locations to my "bookmarks toolbar folder" as bookmarks ..
When I startup firefox, I get all my tabs ready-to-go ..

Where does the "Hello Yall" come from in your post?
My QTH is Brenham, TX ( home to Blue Bell )


Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 28 2004,12:17
i "found" a funny trick.
open all the pages you want in the tabs you want.
then edit-preferences-general home page press "use curent pages"

Posted by Dafydd Cealleigh on Oct. 01 2004,01:27
Quote (ke4nt1 @ Sep. 28 2004,07:57)
Where does the "Hello Yall" come from in your post?
My QTH is Brenham, TX ( home to Blue Bell )

I'll claim one of those. I'm just up 105 from you near Plantersville.
Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 01 2004,02:29
In the last week, from the forums to emails and IRC, I've had the pleasure
of talking to peoples from dozens of countries and many. many time zones..

but it's nice to see someone "close-to-home" drop by..

Thanks, DSL..


Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Oct. 01 2004,03:18
Quote (ke4nt1 @ Sep. 28 2004,06:57)
Where does the "Hello Yall" come from in your post?
My QTH is Brenham, TX ( home to Blue Bell )


Wills Point, TX here.

and yeah, the easiest way to have multiple tabs open when firefox starts is to make all of them your homepage(s).

i have 6 or 7 tabs open from get-go, and i love it.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 01 2004,05:03
John, Robert..

the TEXANS are invading  :)

There's even one in the white house..

You know how we are....
we like to " kick ass" ..  :)


Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 01 2004,05:41
Saiden and Dafydd

Boy, I've done a lot of runnin around that part of Texas..

I've got in-laws near Edom, SE of Ben Wheeler, NE of Murchison..
It's a lot like Brenham, except we don't have
the "no cop-no stop" rule at stop signs.  :)

Van Zandt County is a wild place to be sometimes..

There is an awesome hamfest this Saturday in Belton, TX ,
just south of Temple TX.
About halfway between you and me off I-35

The crew here is going e a r l y in the morning ,
to get the best computer parts deals ,
and see some cool Red Cross Communications and
satellite / ham radio stuff..

Do you and dafydd want to join us there ?
Acres of radios, cb's, computers, antennas,
and just old elecronics swap/sell/trade stuff..  From sunup till 12:00 noon ??

Last time, I picked up a dual 533's/850's cpus motherboard for $30.00
several 10G and 20G scsi drives for $5.00 ea.
a 10GB tape backup for $5 , several cdroms for $1.00 ea.
and a 19" monitor for $17.00 - needed a hardwired power cord replaced...
They threw in 2 pairs of speakers and a DAT tape backup as well for free..

Only a dollar admission, and you can win some nice prizes with your ticket stub.
I hear the weather is supposed to be nice and COOLER !
I like this hamfest much better than Arlington... Much bigger and cheaper !

Interested?> see these links ..

< > <
I'm the big guy in the dark blue shirt -
We took 2nd place worldwide this year !!
.. yes, against every country on the planet ..WE KICKED ASS ALL 48 HRS !!

< >

< > < this is the place !!

Anyone else want to go, speak up!    We'll caravan or carpool !!


Posted by Dafydd Cealleigh on Oct. 01 2004,14:44
[quote=ke4nt1,Oct. 01 2004,01:41][/quote]
Van Zandt County is a wild place to be sometimes..

My father grew up in Van Zandt county, but that was back in the early 20's.

Do you and dafydd want to join us there ?

I would love to but the Texas Renaisance Festival starts this weekend and I am heavily involved it that for the next 7 weekends.

I've scheduled 1 Saturday off so I can go on an outing with my fly fishing club.

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