Winamp kinda RADIO in DSL?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Winamp kinda RADIO in DSL?
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 30 2004,13:02
How to listen to radio(stations) in DSL? (like i do now with the Internet Explorer / Winamp)

Does anybody know?

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 30 2004,13:47
i use gmplayer to listen to RADIO2
i copy the url to gmplayer-open-play url

Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 30 2004,13:57
This example is for Opera:

Go to and choose a station to listen to.

Or for a direct example, try a google search on Radio wazee and click on the link on their web page.

When the dialog box appears for Open / Save, choose "Advanced".  Then choose the Open in an application option and type in "xmms" in the application name box.

XMMS should then automatically open up and start playing the radio station.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 30 2004,15:10
Yep..  I listen to all the time from xmms..

Click on the link to play ..
A window pops up choosing either open or save.
Select open > click on "other"
goto /usr/bin/xmms > click OK



Posted by Patrick on Sep. 30 2004,17:41

Can you give me a URL? PSL?

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 30 2004,18:24 lowbit-rate.< link >
but if you have the mplayerpug-in for firefox it will play in firefox then you dont have to copy the url to gmplayer

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 30 2004,18:48
if you cant find a station of your tast < here > ...
Posted by scottknl on Sep. 30 2004,20:43
try the streamtuner application with

apt-get install streamtuner

It works with xmms and does a nice interface of selecting stations from shoutcast type list.  You can also use it to record the digital stream.

I like it alot.

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