XAWTV (tv in DSL)

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Topic: XAWTV (tv in DSL)
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 26 2004,17:33
Does anybody know how to view Tv (TV-card=pc tv rave) in DSL? (i downloaded xawtv.tar.gz and unpacked it but i can't "make install".


Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 26 2004,19:35
i am watching "andermans veren" nederland2

this is what i did
install gnu-utils.dsl
install dsl-dpkg.dsl

apt-get update
apt-get install xawtv

scantv .xawtv

then a could listen tv but no picture.
so i tried right click options
"grab image" that worked.
then changed "capture" from "overlay" to "off": got static picture.
then changed to "grabdisplay"

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 26 2004,20:01
Thnx man! (it worked)

I want to save the settings of xawtv (what should i add to filetool.lst?)

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 26 2004,20:32
i just started this tv test 1.5 hour a go!
i think i will make a dsl that contains the debian packages in /opt and a little script to install the *.deb
this may take some days to test things out.
channel settings are in /home/dsl/.xawtv

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 30 2004,06:25
I've added to my filetool.lst:


Don't know if this will work (cause i am at my job right now) But i left home with a working xawtv, backup it all up, but on this PC (no TV-card) i get a BUS-error (which is probable logical, right?)

I find the automatical tuning program "wanting", it detects a lot of "empty" channels which (when fine tuned) still don't give me a TV-channel. (I have got the strongest TV-channels saved but i better get a frequenty-list to add the rest)

Is Xawtv the only TV-program for linux?

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 30 2004,08:59
i dont think that is enough.
the "scantv" uses a table for artenne receiver.
i think you have cable tv. the use other frequencies. so as you say get the frequenty-list and edit /home/dsl/.xawtv
insert lines like:
Code Sample
[Nederland 1]
capture = grabdisplay

the capture line is important
i found < this man page >
< Video fot Linux resources >

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