error gcc1.dsl

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: error gcc1.dsl
started by: caturok

Posted by caturok on Sep. 24 2004,08:02
first i install tar -zxvf gcc1.dsl and everything ok but i run in /usr/src and type test "make" i have error like this ====>> cd /usr/src/linux  && make-kpkg --us --uc --rootcmd fakeroot buildpackage/bin/sh: line 1: make-kpkg: command not found

pls hlp me

Posted by clacker on Sep. 24 2004,12:46
It looks like you are trying to compile a kernel.  make-kpkg can be found in the debian package kernel-package.  Installing that might help.  The reason you got an error is make-kpkg isn't part of the make package, it's only for compiling kernels.

What were you trying to compile?  Did you download a bunch of files and to try to compile?  Were you in the directory where the make file for your target was?

Posted by caturok on Sep. 29 2004,13:02
because i can't install *.deb ( dpkg -i *.deb ) and then i want configure and make all webmin


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