HOW TO MAKE A SYMLINK)Forum: Other Help Topics Topic: HOW TO MAKE A SYMLINK) started by: Patrick Posted by Patrick on Sep. 28 2004,12:41
How do i make a symlink (what is a symlink?)I need to symlink firefox 0.9.3 and java j2re1.4.2_05 together. (as in making a plugin?) Posted by guest on Sep. 28 2004,12:57
open emelfmnavigate rightpanel to the destination folder navigate leftpanel to the source file press Symlink button Posted by clacker on Sep. 28 2004,13:20
A symbolic link (is that what you want?) is a reference to another file, like a shortcut in Windows or an alias on the Mac. You can create one in the bash shell with the command ln -s <existing file or directory name> <link name> the -s makes it a symbolic link, without that it's a hard link (points to the inode). Those can point across partitions. Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 28 2004,15:06
For that, I'd use the bash command..The symlink button will symlink to the /ramdisk/opt/.firefox_plugins/* , not the /opt/.firefox_plugins/* The bash command will do it properly.. 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on Sep. 28 2004,15:27
So you would use the ls without the -s if you wanted to have your /home directory on another partition? Chris Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 28 2004,16:18
You can do it even with a "-s" and it will still work.Keep in mind that the "ln" command for the busybox base install works differently than the "ln" command for the gnu-utils.dsl or "enhacned" hdinstall. Read the man pages for a full explanation. |