Update firefox 0.9.3 (dsl) to firefox 1.0

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Update firefox 0.9.3 (dsl) to firefox 1.0
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 24 2004,09:59
Anybody already tried to "upgrade" firefox 0.9.3 to firefox 1.0 (preview/beta?)


Posted by Bad Command on Sep. 25 2004,07:45
I'm new to DSL/Linux so I spent a bunch of time learning things
tonight (wallpaper, custom menu, samba) and I got this in.
I did this:

1) download tar.gz from site
2) got Midnight Commander (mc in unstable apt-get)
3) use mc to unpackage (emelfm was fighting with this)
4) run the firefox-installer
5) browse web :)

Note I did this on a HDD install.

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