Firefox extensions Calender

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Firefox extensions Calender
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 23 2004,07:56
I've just got ridd of opera and installed Mozilla Firefox 0.8. Great browser! Only thing is: i wanted to install extensions (tools/options/extensions/get extensions), but then i get an error (after the download) that i don't have the permission to write in the CHROME directory. I can't seem to sudo su my way in giving me (dsl, staff)  the right permission in that directory (ower: root,root). I did this: started xterm, sudo su, started emelfm, tried to change permission/owner. But then i see at the bottom of emelfm a message:
chmod: /ramdisk/opt/firefox/chrome: Read-only file system


Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 23 2004,08:43
i run fitefox 0.8 .*.uci. i have installed tabX.

which firefox-extension do you want to install?

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 23 2004,09:04
Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 23 2004,09:15
what is the difence between calender and < Sunbird from Damn Small Linux myDSL Extensions (testing) >
Posted by Patrick on Sep. 23 2004,09:34
I installed it and it works! (same file that firebird tried to install!) Only this one worked! Differces: yours is not plugged in into firebird-browser
Posted by henk.1955 on Sep. 23 2004,09:58
i did a test.
remove  firefox.uci from c:\
add firefox-0.9.3.dsl to c:\
now i start firefox.0.9.3
select extentions calender from < Mozilla Calendar >
it downloads but give "not right error"
exit firefox

then sudo emelfm
select (do not navigate into) ~/.mozilla, right click Properties-User/group
select user dsl, group staf press Recurse Directories press All..

start firefox, install calendar extnsion from url from above
install OK
exit firefox
start firefox

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