Dir VS ls

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Dir VS ls
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 21 2004,12:30
How do i see how much memory i've got left on my hd/usb?

(MsDos got dir, Xterm has got ls, but i can't seem to find the right parameter)

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 21 2004,12:37
the emelfm has 2 small buttons at te bottom
1. df, shows disk free of all mounted drives
2. du shows disk uses of selected file or directory.

df and du are command line instructions to:
< du man >
< df man >

just using my good friend google.

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 21 2004,12:41
got it..
Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 21 2004,12:56
the google remark was not intended to stop you from asking questions. i dont know the df or du options either.
sometimes you have questions and dont know where to start searching for.
how could you have known it was df and du, if you didnt ask for dir vs ls?

Posted by clivesay on Sep. 21 2004,14:16
My favorite homepage "www.google.com/linux"  :)
Posted by Patrick on Sep. 21 2004,16:15
I'd like to say that i am very happy with the members of this forum (escpecially Henk1955). Without you guys i wouldn't have a bootable usb-stick with MsDos & DSL on it (which is very full at this moment) and working applications as fluxbox 0.9.9, Opera, Xine/Mplayer, a backup and restore possibility (which i use to f%ck around on the stick without the risk of having to start all over again, i keep seperate backup's pf backup.tar.gz), applications that startup at boottime and place themselves on seperate workspaces... etc.. etc..

I am one happy camper right now..

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