Email notify?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Email notify?
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 20 2004,11:59
Hello Yall,

I use Sylpheed but i need to keep it running in the backupground in order to know when i have new mail. So i need a small program that can run in the background (notifier) and that will tell me when i have new mail.
What notification-programmes do you guys use? (i still use fluxbox as Window Manager). Mabey their is a dockable application for fluxbox?

Posted by Grim on Sep. 21 2004,02:02
See if any of these do what you want.

< >

Posted by frans on Sep. 21 2004,10:15
Yes they look nice.
big problem, they are source only, so you have to complile them.
i know there is a gcc1.dsl, but instaling this and then:

for wmpop-0.53 ./configure gives libXpm not installed
for wmnotify-0.3.0 ./configure gives canīt find X11 library
for wmpop3lb2.4 make install2 gives make: cc: Command not found

so its not easy get these WMapp running.

Posted by Grim on Sep. 21 2004,11:28
did you try `apt-get install wmpop'?
Posted by frans on Sep. 21 2004,12:18
is it in debian repository?
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