Icons gone after install icewm.dsl

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Topic: Icons gone after install icewm.dsl
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 17 2004,12:58
I installed icewm.dsl and tinkered with the startup settings. Now i automatically startup with dillo on workspace 3 and Xterm on workspace 2. But my icons are gone! Furthermore i can't seem to start Sylpheed automatically with icewm (it does work manually from xterm)

Also: the programs-menu is empty! (bottom-left of the desktop)

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 17 2004,13:09
1. offtopic: if you look at the bottom of the "Damsmall linux bord" you can see whos online.  there is also a "view complete list" if you use that you can "spy" on others.

2. can you show (part) of your ~/xinitrc and ~/.icewm/startup ~/.icewm/winoptions ?

3. i will try sylpheed next
if added "sylpheed &" to ~/.icewm/startup it starts.

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 17 2004,13:29
# put X windows programs that you want started here.
# Be sure to add at the end of each command the &
grep enhance /proc/cmdline >/dev/null
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
 enhance &>/dev/null &
#dillo -f /usr/share/doc/damnsmall/getting_started.html &>/dev/null &

# This is an example for IceWM's window options file.
# Place your variants in /etc/icewm or in $HOME/.icewm
# since modifications to this file will be discarded when you
# (re)install icewm.

Mozilla.icon: mozicon

xterm.icon: xterm
dillo.icon: dillo
sylpheed.icon: sylpheed
emelfm.icon: emelfm
emelfm.workspace: 3


xset s 300
cd /home/damnsmall
xterm &
dillo &
sylpheed &
emelfm &
#xtdesk &

Sylpheed doesn't startup, sylpheed (on the other hand) does startup....

Capital mistake...

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 17 2004,13:35
i dont have icons on my desktop to!
But thats on purpose (i cant reach teh if i run all my programs fullscreen)
if you like your icons back, remove the # infront of "xtdesk &"
i wont take your head for the Capital mistake

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 17 2004,13:43
I've got my icons back! I can't seem to dump any application on workspace 3 ? Can i have more workspaces? (and have my cake AND eat it?)
Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 17 2004,13:56
have you copied /usr/share/icewm/preferences to ~/.icewm?

i just found out in preferences there is a line:
WorkspaceNames=" 1 ", " 2 ", " 3 ", " 4 "
i added ,"b", "c"
and to my surpise i had 2 more desktops

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 17 2004,17:32
Great! I've added 5 en 6!, Strange thing though, after a while (or when i check my mail on workspace 4), i end up on workspace 3 (which remains "empty"/i can't assign applications to that workspace)
Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 20 2004,07:49
good morning,

i dont use more the 1 workspace.

just for test i altered preferences to:
WorkspaceNames=" 1 ", " 2 ", " 3 ", " 4 ", "fm", "net"
when id do: icemenu - Logout - Restart Icewm
i get 2 more workspacebuttons with "fm" and "net" on then

altered winoptions to:
emelfm.workspace: 4
aterm.workspace: 3

when i start emelfm it opens in workspace "fm"
when i start atem it opens in workspace "4"
press on button "fm" i get workspace with emelfm
press on button "4" i get dsl-terminal
press on button "1" i get firefox so i can keep typing this

in preferences i see there are keys ( KeySysWorkspace1="Alt+Ctrl+1" to KeySysWorkspace1="Alt+Ctrl+]") so it is clear icewm is designed to have at least 12 workspaces.

maybe you can change preferences:
TaskBarShowAllWindows=1 #0 # 0/1
just for test so you can see all programs running on the taskbar and if one is missing find whats wrong

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