Getting CD to boot via floppy?

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Topic: Getting CD to boot via floppy?
started by: Termina

Posted by Termina on Aug. 27 2004,20:03
I have an old system that will not boot things from the CD-Rom

I'd like to install DSL on the machine.  Any ideas?

Posted by roberts on Aug. 27 2004,20:45
There is a boot floppy image to download just for that purpose
Posted by dsyates on Aug. 28 2004,19:14
Where can I find the floppy boot image for 0.8? I had no problem finding it for 073
Posted by DonttPanic on Aug. 28 2004,19:54
Quote (Guest @ Aug. 28 2004,15:14)
Where can I find the floppy boot image for 0.8? I had no problem finding it for 073

It's on the download page for 0.8

Since I'm so nice, < here > it is. And the < md5sum >.

Posted by H45H on Sep. 19 2004,21:14
Like the usual intro's... I am a *ux newb... I'm trying to get DSL to work on my old Pentium 150 Mhz 128 RAM...

Its an old system... Whenever I tried to boot from CD, I got an error 99% similar to:

ISOLINUX 2.04 (Debian, 2003-06-06)
isolinux: Loading spec packet failed, trying to wing it ...
isolinux: Failed to locate CD-Rom device; boot failed.

(the different part may be in the numbers, etc... but the rest, isolinux, cd-rom failing, trying to wing it, etc... Is the same)...

So I almost gave up until I found the img. I got it onto the floppy. WOO it actually boots up.  But, thats it. It seems to boot, mount, etc... It goes through, displays the many directories its trying to create on the ramdisk arent found, and says its in Panic, and stops.

Is there a way to boot through floppy but use the CD-ROM to install everything?

I've spent hours upon hours, through several days trying to get this far. Can anyone help me?

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 20 2004,00:35
try booting "dsl failsafe"

just don't do a HD install untill you work out your probelms.

Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 20 2004,00:51
Try this:

Copy the contents of your CDROM (IE: the \KNOPPIX folder) to your C:\ drive so that you have "C:\knoppix" and the files.

Then use the boot floppy.  It will detect your DOS/Win95/98/ME partition as if it were a CDROM drive.

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