Changing getting_started.html

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Changing getting_started.html
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 17 2004,07:20
Hello Y'all,

How can i edit /usr/share/doc/dsl/getting_started.html (Dillo's startpage). (it is read-only, even after a sudo su i can't overwrte it...)

Posted by guest on Sep. 17 2004,07:31
dont change it
make another where you can write
then alter /home/dsl/.xinitrc to point to your new "welcome page"
and change ~/.dillorc (search for home=)
dont forget to add /home/dsl/.dillo and a path to your new "welcome page" to the ~/filetool.lst

btw ~/ is short for /home/dsl

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 17 2004,08:00
There is NO /home/dsl/.xinitrc -file at this location! (i boot from a USB-stick (DOS) with loadlin. (sda1 = /cdrom)
Posted by guest on Sep. 17 2004,08:12
maybe you have to look a little better?
use emelfm presse the H button below the bookmarks this will unhide all . files

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 17 2004,08:23
I humbely begg forgiveness.. (now i know how to unhide the hidden)...


Your suggestions didn't work (completely)

DSL now starts up with Dillo (without a menu-bar on top of the windows) in, but this page doesn't work!

Further more, when i close it en open Dillo (manualy), it still goes to getting_started.html

Posted by guest on Sep. 17 2004,09:57
no problem.


DSL now starts up with Dillo (without a menu-bar on top of the windows) in, but this page doesn't work!

i have no explanation for this. have you made the right changes

Further more, when i close it en open Dillo (manualy), it still goes to getting_started.html

here i think you used the menu to get to dillo?
if you look in the /home/dsl/.fluxbox/menu file search for "dillo" you will see

now when i open a xterm and type: dillo < >
i get google. if i then goto i.e www.damnsml.... i get damnsm
then press home button i get google.

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