Writing to my usb-stick (sda1 mounted on /cdrom)

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Writing to my usb-stick (sda1 mounted on /cdrom)
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 16 2004,11:14
Hello again,

this is my fstab:

/proc      /proc       proc   defaults            0 0
/sys       /sys        sysfs  noauto              0 0
/dev/pts   /dev/pts    devpts mode=0622           0 0
/dev/fd0   /mnt/auto/floppy auto   user,noauto,exec,umask=000    0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/auto/cdrom  auto   user,noauto,exec,ro 0 0
/dev/cdrom1 /mnt/auto/cdrom1  auto   users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0
# Added by KNOPPIX
/dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=1001,gid=500 0 0
# Added by KNOPPIX
/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,uid=1001,gid=500 0 0

This my bootlocal.sh:

mount /cdrom -o remount,rw

My goal is to be able to backup my configuration (without having to mount the /cdrom as a rw-device)

Who can help?

Posted by guest on Sep. 16 2004,11:42
you can not backup to your hda1 (ntfs)

so your options are floppy, or sda1
sda1 = /cdrom
sad1 has to bee writebable

if you dont like your sda1 aka /cdrom writeable while you are working with dsl
you could add the "mount /cdrom -o remount,rw" to powerdown.sh yust before the "filetool.sh restore noprompt" line.

once you have your powerdown.sh altered (that is remove the # in front of the  "filetool.sh restore noprompt" line) if will backup automatily the files and diretctorys in named in /home/dsl/filetool.list (this file contains /opt/bootlocal.sh, /opt/powerdown.sh, itself and some outher useful setting, you can add more to this ie. /home/dsl/.emelfm)

now put restore=sda1 to the line in your loadlin.par then it should restore the setting at boot time

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