Re-partition USB-stick 4 LINUX & DOS

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Re-partition USB-stick 4 LINUX & DOS
started by: Patrick

Posted by Patrick on Sep. 14 2004,06:56
Hello y"all,

I've got DSL bootable on a usb stick (128 Mb) and i also used to have a bootable Dos on that stick (rescue tools 4 NTFS/FAT32, undelete, partition magic, F-prot, scandisk, etc..). Now i want both on the same stick (which means 2 partitions and a bootloader up front). I need some advice how to do this: I intend to run the cd (DSL) and use the advice i found in the howtos (repartition a usb-stick). Then i intend to run frugal and install dsl on the first parition. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE THE SECOND PARTITION THOUGH..? (i don't think the desciption tells me how to do that).. When i managed to make the second partition i intend to format it in Windows (that is: if windows will SEE my second partition/the stick after the re-partitioning, Partition magic has a hard time understanding the layout of my stick in th first place... Mabey there will be an update of Partition Magic for this some day?)
What do you guys advice: size of the first partition ? (75 Mb)


Posted by Patrick on Sep. 14 2004,10:20
Re-hi again,

I just tried to make partitions and frugal my usb-stick but it won't work. I am kinda stupid you know. I tried to cfdisk and sfdisk but, knowing that i haven't got a clue what i am doing, it went wrong. Luckaly i could format my usb-stick in windows OK and after that i SYSLINUX.exe it. And then i copied al the directories and files back to the stick and know i am back where i started. (with a working linux-stick with only 1 partition)

Is there a good book called: linux 4 window-dummies?

sudo su: format brains

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