DSL +ftp +Mail ServerForum: Other Help Topics Topic: DSL +ftp +Mail Server started by: Brolloks Posted by Brolloks on Sep. 09 2004,08:24
Ok this maybe totally irrelevant but here goes.Current setup: Smoothwall firewall (www.smoothwall.org)connected to Sentech. 2 other workstations pc's connected to firewall. Question: Explain to me (a windows user) whether I can do the following. I have an old PII PC that I want to use as an ftp server and mail router? The mail router (if that's the right term) needs to be like a pop3 manager for windows. It has to receive inernal mail going out and collect mail from different mail servers coming in. Can I do this and where do I start. Thanks in advance Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 09 2004,17:38
If you had DamnSmallLinux running from a HD install you might have to build you either a binary or tarball of ftp program and the email progy...then plug them into your DSL install...I had ABYSS webserver running like that using a binary tarball, and it worked great... What FTP and Email progy are you planning on using? Brian AwPhuch Posted by Brolloks on Sep. 10 2004,05:03
I have no idea which ftp and email to run yet. I'm a windows user so my knowledge of linux related software is minimal. If I could get something like Smoothwall which is a compacted distribution specifically for firewalls then that would be great.Pop in the CD: boot, install, configure and administrate from any pc on the network then that's perfect, but it's not essential. I want to try this as an excersize to learn working with existing hardware. One pII 233 and one pII 450 lying around. I don't want to have to dl the whole Redhat/Mandrake/Suse if I don't need to. Ideas on ftp server software and mail programs would be great. I I need to build a tarball/ binary then that's fine too. I'll learn. Thanks Piet Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 10 2004,15:35
http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2003/10/09/advanced_mail_server2.html < http://www.vsftpd.org/ > Try those....and GOOGLE is your friend Brian AwPhuch Posted by Grim on Sep. 10 2004,19:28
For a FTP server... ProFTPd. Hands down, no question about it. Rock solid FTP server. I've had a ProFTPd server running for two years with no problems at work. Set it up and forget about it, it's that reliable. And since DSL is a Debian cousin, you can apt-get it and configure it pretty quickly.However, FTP is a security risk and if only you or a couple of your friends are going to be accessing the server, it would be better to set up a SSH server and scp everything in lieu of FTP. DSL already comes with SSH server and it would take just a little effort on your and your users parts to learn to use WinSCP or an equivalent proggie. Email server? This is tricky. If you're on a dynamic IP block, most ISP's will block all email orginating from your server. That being said, * Qpopper will work just dandy for your POP3 mail needs, but it won't send email, it just allows your users to access their mail from a POP3 client. In order to send mail from your machine, you'll still need to install a MTA such as... * Exim, Qmail, Sendmail or smail. Qmail is probably the best among these (better security than sendmail and it's scalable) although I use exim (it came with Debian, and I happen to like it just fine). *Collecting mail from various email server for various users is a task suited for fetchmail/procmail. Fetchmail can pull email from various email accounts (it's pulling three accounts for me now). When fetchmail is piped through procmail, procmail will separate mail, based on rulesets you specify, to send mail to the right users mailboxes. Running a mailserver is almost the biggest pain in the ass you can undertake as an admin. Make sure, whatever MTA you choose to implement, that you don't run it as an open relay. Spammers will flood your system quicker than you can say "Buy cheap V1agra through u s." And if you're just looking to run a solid firewall, try < http://www.coyotelinux.com/ > It runs from a floppy without the need for a hard drive. You can use that hard drive in your FTP server in case warez kiddies ever hack it and use it for a fileserver. If you're really serious about running a solid firewall, I'd suggest installing OpenBSD and learning to appreciate pf. Posted by Brolloks on Sep. 13 2004,07:44
AwPhuch ... Google IS my best friend ![]() Grim: Thanks. I've got a few leads from your post. I'll have a look at the ftp server. We are having some hassles with mail taking ages to get to a client and I'm looking for alternative ways for them to get the data we need to send. Ftp will definitely not be open, but limitied to very few people. As far as I know I am on a dynamic IP block, although the system tries to allocate the same IP. I still need to test this as it hasn't been a real issue as yet. I have swopped over to Thunderbird as a mail client since Pegasus seemed to occupy too much system resources when checking mail. This caused all other app's on the system to slow or glitch for a few seconds. It's extremely annoying when you're trying to align objects in 3d studio and the mouse stops responding. Thuderbird is also collecting mail from 3 mail servers, but I only use the ISP to send mail, so the mail server is not such an issue as yet, but I will start getting some info on those programs just in case. I don't know Coyotelinux, but it sounds good. Running from a CD would be even better to protect/recover from hacking. I've been using smoothwall (www.smoothwall.org) with no hassles so far. Thanks again for all the info. Posted by Grim on Sep. 14 2004,03:34
You know that little slider on the back of a floppy disk? Just like a gun safety, slide it over to write-protect. (The assault weapon ban expired today, can you tell I'm pleased? ) ![]() Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 14 2004,03:43
you know what else would be good for webservers?I remember, back in the day, there was a jumper setting on hard disks that made them write protected. they should revamp that idea and bring it back. maybe a switch instead of having to mess with a jumper. and it you could switch it between write-protect and not while it was running, that would be better. I think there are a few devices out there that you can put between the drive and the cable to do the same thing, but I can't remember any links to such a device. I would google it, but if you are interested, you can do it. I feel lazy today. Grim, let's go buy us a pair of uzis and a few AK's and have some fun. ![]() ![]() Shooting targets, of course *cough* ![]() -J.P. SaidinUnleashed Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 14 2004,03:49
There is a software version of that called /etc/fstab just modify with the ,ro flag and pow...read only Oh and I use my sks to shoot cans....(africans, mexicans, americans, portorecans)hehe j/k Brian AwPhuch |