Roll your won with Firefox

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Roll your won with Firefox
started by: bilbo66

Posted by bilbo66 on Sep. 13 2004,09:47
I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction.

I want to use DSL as an internet kiosk, forcing the user to use firefox in a kiosk mode, basically an idiot proof terminal that no one can screw with.

How do you go about rolling your own DSL?

There is a USB stick tutorial on the mozilla site, for running firefox of usb, if I could just add firefox to the file system, force it into kiosk mode, and on any error, restart firefox, I'd be there!

Any one any ideas?


Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 13 2004,10:26
do you know about the myDSL extentions?
you could add firefox.uci.
< add myDSL extension lo liveCD >

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