floppy network install

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: floppy network install
started by: roberts

Posted by roberts on June 27 2004,07:42
Having read the many posts of how to install DSL with no cdrom using a hugh stack floppies, I wanted to  createa a script using only one floppy.

I wanted to make a simple way to install DSL on older laptops that have NO CDROM.
I started by looking for a single floppy Linux distro with good pcmcia network support.
I have found that TOMSRTBT is very good. It works with several old pcmcia network cards.

The systems that I have used for testing have:

32MB memory
1.44 floppy drive
128MB HD
800x600 screen
Linksys PCMCIA network card model PCMLM56
Also works with Xircom RealPort2 Model R2E-100

I have written a tiny frugal_lite.sh. It is written in ASH shell.
It provides the traditional "poorman's" install and boot floppy creation via the net.

First you must download and create TOMSRTBT disk. < http://www.toms.net/rb/ >
With your pcmcia card inserted try booting TOMSRTBT and see if network card is seen.

After booting up TOMSRTBT be sure to REMOVE the TOMSRTBT disk.

Look at the output of the ifconfig command. If you see your IP then you are ready to go.
If you see then you must manually input your IP address. Like the following two lines:

ifconfig eth0 netmask
route add default gw

Then add your nameserver like this:
echo "nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx" >> /etc/resolv.conf

Next test your network setup by pinging an internet site.

If you made it here you are ready to go!
Next grab the frugal_lite.sh script like this:

wget < http://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/frugal_lite.sh >

Now using fdisk create two linux partitions each large enough to hold DSL. I used 64MB to be safe. Could be smaller.

Format them by using:

mke2fs /dev/hda1
mke2fs /dev/hda2

Next place a GOOD (no bad sectors) floppy into the floppy drive.

Note: The hard drive partitons are NOT mounted. The floppy is NOT mounted.

Finally run the frugal_lite.sh like this:


Follow the prompts.

Upon completion the system will reboot off the DSL boot floppy and start loading DSL.
Be sure to boot with the following:

boot: dsl vga=normal

Note:  After you get your system running from boot floppy (poorman's) then you can install again into the other partition using the standard frugal_instal.sh giving you much more control of your system. Use the (L)ive CD install option as the poorman's is a virtual liveCD.

Or if the other partiton is large enough then do a regular dsl-hdinstall.

If you do this re-install into the other partition either frugal or full install then you can get rid of the poorman's by using fdisk to change it to
type 82 (swap) and then format it for swap by using the mkswap /dev/hdaX

Anyway, I hope that you find this script useful. It should provide the most flexible way to enjoy the latest version of DSL.

Posted by John on June 29 2004,05:52
Do to file reorganizing the new URL for this great script is here:
< http://ibiblio.org/pub....lite.sh >

I have to try this on my grandpa's old Toshiba 486.

Posted by AwPhuch on June 30 2004,13:55
I will also try to use this method..

Will it do a standard HD install like my floppy method even though you got the iso from a http server??

Its like my method but instead of getting the KNOPPIX dir over using floppies and winrar, you download it using a http server correct?

Outfreekingstanding job by the way!!!


Posted by roberts on June 30 2004,15:26
Will it do a standard HD install like my floppy method even though you got the iso from a http server??

It grabs the iso from net and temporarily stores it in a partition. It then moves the KNOPPIX folder to the other partition and creates the boot floppy, then iso is removed. System then reboots from boot floppy. Now you are running a poorman's. From there you have the following choices...

1. You are done!  You have a poormans/boot floppy all from the net!

2. You boot up your poorman's DSL and run frugal_instal.sh into the now other empty partition.  Then you don't need the boot floppy and you have a much more custom system.

3. If the other partition is large enough, then you can:  Boot up from floppy and then do a full dsl-hdinstall into the empty partition.

The choice is your any of the three types. Depending on your hardware and/or choice.

For older systems it is best to boot using:

boot: dsl vga=normal

and for installing using options 2 or 3 it is best to use:

boot: dsl 2 vag=normal

Also when you have completed options 2 or 3 you can then change the poorman's partition into a swap partition. From the new DSL system, run cfdisk and change the proper partition from 83 ot 82. Then run mkswap on that partition. Reboot and you are all set.

I hope this helps get DSL on many older computers.

Posted by ke4nt1 on July 15 2004,04:54
What I want is a script that works from a boot floppy, and gets connected to a
/KNOPPIX directory on a networked partition, and runs from that image,
rather than copying the directory to the local machine.
I have to admit, with the price of cd-readers and cdr's, it would only be
a novelty, but with the autoconfig in DSL, the same image could boot  
just about ANYTHING you could network together.


Posted by <--iNT13--> on July 15 2004,08:59
Nice work!
The LAN version - (if your home network hangs off a DHCP server)
Make the KNOPPIX directory available with a http or ftp server (Monkey?).
Optional:- make other files, dpkg.tar.gz and .dsl files etc available also
Boot your soon to be DSL box with tomsrtboot.
Partition the hard drive:- "fdisk /dev/hda", make a partition active.
I usually put a swap partition first. "mkswap /dev/yourswap"
Format your ext2 partition/s "mke2fs /dev/yourext2"
Check to see you can find the install file host "ping dottedquad of host"
Mount the partition you want the KNOPPIX dir copied to "mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/whatever /mnt"
Make a directory called KNOPPIX "mkdir /mnt/KNOPPIX"
Note: wget (in BusyBox) 'gets' to the pwd.
Move to the mounted partition "cd mnt"
Get the files "wget protocol://dottedquad of host:port/KNOPPIX/desiredfile"
(desired files: KNOPPIX, boot.img)
Optional:- get other files "cd .." "wget protocol://dottedquad of host:port/desiredfile"
Return to root "cd /"
Unmount the partition "umount /mnt/"

Reboot with the DSL boot floppy :)

Posted by kgalan on Aug. 17 2004,20:13
I have an old IBM laptop i am trying to boot up right now using this guide, the ifconfig command gives me the loopback address and when i try to assign the IP i get "no such device".

I am trying to connect via my Linksys wireless PC card. When I pull it out after the boot then put it back in it will detect the card and give me its information. Will TOMSRTBT work with this card or should I go out and buy the ethernet linksys card?

EDIT: I bought a Linksys PCM200 and the laptop won't even power it up. It powers up my wireless card though. Any help here please, I would appreciate it.

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 17 2004,23:40
well, the nic card you have is a 32-bit cardbus notebook card and your laptop probably only supports 16-bit pcmcia cards.

the easiest way to tell which is which is this: the cardbus cards have a copper or bronze colored strip on the top at the end you put into the slot.

cardbus no worky on old pcmcia slots, but old pcmcia worky on cardbus.

wierd, no?


Posted by kgalan on Aug. 18 2004,02:13
Ok so can I install with the wireless WPC11?
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 18 2004,04:20
only if TomsRootBoot sees it.

Code Sample
$ ifconfig
to see if it sees it.

you should get something like this
Code Sample
# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:76:4B:87:3E  
         inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
         RX packets:22899 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:21234 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
         RX bytes:24359728 (23.2 MiB)  TX bytes:2385035 (2.2 MiB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
         inet addr:  Mask:
         UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
         RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
         RX bytes:400 (400.0 B)  TX bytes:400 (400.0 B)

if all you get is this
Code Sample
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
         inet addr:  Mask:
         UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
         RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
         RX bytes:400 (400.0 B)  TX bytes:400 (400.0 B)

then you're outta luck with the wi/fi card

what i would do is to head to Fry's, Bestbuy, Compusa, or even < Wal-Mart >and pick up a non cardbus ethernet card. they're usually <$40. just watch out for the copper strip! ^_^


Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 18 2004,04:37
one more thing. cardbus cards usually say "notebook adapter" on the box, while old pcmcia usually says "PC Card"

just another helpful tip.


EDIT: more help

This is an old PCMCIA card - < LINKY >

this is not. it's a 32-bit cardbus card - < LINKY^2 >

EDIT^2: stupid dyslexia, and the dumb board doesnt support [IMG] linking a jpeg...

Posted by kgalan on Aug. 18 2004,04:46
Thanks, they only had 2 cards at the closest Best Buy and they were both pc card bus so I was out of luck. I'll check walmart.
Posted by William on Aug. 22 2004,10:23
Quote (<--iNT13--> @ July 15 2004,04:59)
Nice work!
The LAN version - (if your home network hangs off a DHCP server)
Make the KNOPPIX directory available with a http or ftp server (Monkey?).
Optional:- make other files, dpkg.tar.gz and .dsl files etc available also
Boot your soon to be DSL box with tomsrtboot.
Partition the hard drive:- "fdisk /dev/hda", make a partition active.
I usually put a swap partition first. "mkswap /dev/yourswap"
Format your ext2 partition/s "mke2fs /dev/yourext2"
Check to see you can find the install file host "ping dottedquad of host"
Mount the partition you want the KNOPPIX dir copied to "mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/whatever /mnt"
Make a directory called KNOPPIX "mkdir /mnt/KNOPPIX"
Note: wget (in BusyBox) 'gets' to the pwd.
Move to the mounted partition "cd mnt"
Get the files "wget protocol://dottedquad of host:port/KNOPPIX/desiredfile"
(desired files: KNOPPIX, boot.img)
Optional:- get other files "cd .." "wget protocol://dottedquad of host:port/desiredfile"
Return to root "cd /"
Unmount the partition "umount /mnt/"

Reboot with the DSL boot floppy :)

as the script wouldn't work (it was saying permission denied when i tried to run it) this way was fantastic. thanks!
Posted by xerex on Aug. 28 2004,09:04

Where do I may download the "frugal_install.sh"?

I booted up with poorman's, but how do I get root???
I tried dsl-hdinstal, but it complaints about that I need root.

I would like to do a HD install (on about 500 MBs), with a swap partition.

I'm now having troubles without a swap partition, I've got only 16 Megs of ram on my old P75 ast laptop.


Posted by wizard on Aug. 30 2004,16:00

  Sisela 0.2 DOES find linksys cards :).

  I eventually did a special version of Sisela so I could get my first download of Debian over my neighbor's wireless.

  Now I use Debian and DSL that way. Glad I have helpful and willing neighbors ;-)

Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 30 2004,17:40

The command "sudo su" takes you to root from any shell ..
Use the menu >Xshells > Root Access

The file "frugal_instal.sh" is in your /usr/sbin directory ..
The file "dsl-hdinstall"   is also in your /usr/sbin directory ..
( These spellings are correct )


Posted by kgalan on Aug. 31 2004,04:56
I got a linksys NP100 and the instructions say to "tar zxvf pcmcia-cs-x.tar.gz". I try that from promt using tomsrtbt but I get a message about unrecognized options. Any help?

edit: forgot to mention this is after inserting the floppy with the drivers for linux.

Posted by roberts on Aug. 31 2004,19:28
kgalan,  you should probably ask that question on the tomsrtbt site.
I don't know if you can just add that. As for the command option failure, tomsrtbt uses busybox. I would try using separate commands like this:

gzip -d pcmcia-cs-x.tar.gz
tar -xvf pcmcia-cs-x.tar

But as for futher installation, please check with the guys at tomsrtbt.

Posted by Donovan on Sep. 10 2004,03:29
Hi all,

I tried to download  tomsrtboot but all I found was a 2.3 meg zip file.  What parts of this do I put onto the bootable floppy?  What am I missing?


Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 10 2004,03:59
The zip file is for use in windows ..

Once you unzip the file, you will find an *.img file in there ..
Use rawrite or another utility to WRITE this IMAGE to a floppydisk ..
You'll need a NEW floppy, as it formats to 1760K , not the usual 1440K ..
There cannot be ANY bad blocks..
You are not copying the FILE to the floppy, you are writing the IMAGE it contains ..
Like making a DSL CD , you don't copy the .iso to a cd, you burn the IMAGE it contains ..


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