problems installing libc6

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: problems installing libc6
started by: jerome5

Posted by jerome5 on Sep. 01 2004,03:40
I realise that libc6 is just about the most important package there is because just about everything depends upon it.

bash: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite libc6_2.2.5-11.5_i386.deb

It simply dosent work, it tells me that bash/sh needs glibc and I have not found thie "GLIBC*".

any help?

Posted by Coma on Sep. 01 2004,03:48
:)  o ya i tired an apt-get install libc6 from testing main source and it upgraded the libc6 that i had .Don't forget to edit your ect/apt/souces.list to testing main worked for me
hope this helps ya :)

Posted by jerome5 on Sep. 01 2004,04:03
I do not have an internet connection under linux so I cant apt get anything.

I will look into this sources thing.

Posted by clacker on Sep. 01 2004,14:43
The name of the deb file that I loaded from the testing sources onto my system when I did the apt-get was:


which can be found at < >

Does that give you the same problem?

Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 01 2004,17:20
Wasn't this issue resolved by
1. installing the dsl-dpkg.dsl,
2. installing the gnu-utils.dsl,
3. changing the apt-get sources to "unstable" ,
4. running "apt-get update"
5. running "apt-get install gcc g++ make "

That installs all the development files as well as libc6 ...


Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 01 2004,22:11
For the non-Internet DSL user:

Take your DSL CD over to a computer with 128MB of ram, a CD burner and has access to the Internet. Boot it up and get online.

Follow ke4nt's advice.

When you are done, grab all of the *.deb files that are sitting in /var/cache/apt/archives directory and burn them to a blank CD-R disk using bashburn, gcombust (as user 'root') or command line tools.

load the files into your non-internet DSL computer (with dpkg already restored, of course) and open up an xterm.

change directory over to the place where your previously burned *.deb cd-r files are located, or change over to the cdrom mountpoint if you want to take them directly off of the CD-r disk.


sudo su
dpkg -i  filename1.deb filename2.deb filename3.deb      (and so on)

or you can do a dpkg -i for each filename but you may get some dependency errors.

Good Luck.

Posted by jerome5 on Sep. 02 2004,03:15
thanks for the help

I will see what happens.

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