Hard drive

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Hard drive
started by: BedoKroQ

Posted by BedoKroQ on Aug. 26 2004,20:32
How do I access my hard drive?
Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 26 2004,22:42
type "mount /dev/hdXX", replacing XX with your hard drive (example: hda1).
Or you can press a button on the wmount tool in the slit.

Then access it through /mnt/hdXX

Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 27 2004,02:07

The slit is the rectangular window in the lower right corner that contains the little Mount.app tool, the network/cpu usage tool, etc.

Use the arrow buttons to scroll until your hard disk partition appears (for example, hda1). Then press the button. When the green light appears, you are now mounted to your hard drive and can get files from it in directory /mnt/xxx where xxx is the name of your hard drive partition (like hda1).

Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 27 2004,03:09
...thanks for the correction.

Posted by BedoKroQ on Aug. 27 2004,04:03
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