How to...make a 'autoexec.bat'?Forum: Other Help Topics Topic: How to...make a 'autoexec.bat'? started by: gui Posted by gui on Aug. 13 2004,13:08
I mean: I have DSL image at /dev/hda5 and mydsl applications and backup.tar.gz in /dev/hda1I load from diskette and every time I want boot I must type dsl vga=normal mydsl=.....etc etc etc Is any kind of script or so that I can put into the floppy so I avoid typing dsl etc etc? It'd be great!!! Posted by optixz on Aug. 13 2004,15:22
Sounds like you are running a frugal install and booting from Floppy Drive.You might want to take the latest Boot CD and do a brand new frugal install and answer the prompts. It will ask for you to set your default restore and mydsl partitions etc. Answer them according to your partitions (hda1 from your post) and just boot from HD instead of Floppy. Once you boot into DSL and setup x through the script, just run the save setting script. Next time you boot, you won't have to answer any prompts and any changes you have made to your profile would have been saved. Make sure to add any files you want kept save in filetools.lst If you'd like more detailed instructions I can do so. Oh, most of the command line stuff is loaded when Lilo loads. You might want to look at lilo.conf for manual editing if that's all that you want. Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 13 2004,15:58
The boot command file is located on you boot floppy.It is called SYSLINUX.CFG You can edit it in Linux (as long as you are not already booting from floppy while you are making your changes) with Scite or nano. You can edit it in MS Windows by using Wordpad. Don't use Notepad or it will get confused with the linux text formatting. Add your custom settings to the line that starts with "APPEND" that directly follows the "DEFAULT vmlinuz" line. Hope this helps. Posted by AwPhuch on Aug. 13 2004,18:25
If you have a harddrive install you can create an alias in /root/.bashrcjust add a line like alias llm='ls -lah | less' then all you have to do is type the command llm and it will do whats inside the ' ' Oh you have to enter the command in the .bashrc file to make it permanent, but you also have to enter it in the shell to make it active without having to reboot -edit- were talking about boot..sorry Brian AwPhuch Posted by gui on Aug. 13 2004,18:50
Sounds easy as soon as I return home I'll try it TKS! Posted by gui on Aug. 13 2004,20:35
Yessssssssss! it works! Thanks a lot! Posted by ripcrd6 on Aug. 18 2004,07:46
Actually I prefer to edit in Notepad, BUT here is the key. DO NOT hit the ENTER key. THis will act as a carriage return and mess up the file. Wordpad can mess up the formatting even worse in my opinion and that's why I don't use it. Just make your changes in Notepad and then save.
Posted by jerome2 on Aug. 25 2004,10:51
I would also like to do something similar. I do not want any user interaction to be required for boot from power on to desktop.I did a normal hd install. Also where is the lilo config file so I can change which partition boots first and how long it takes? |