
Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: halp!
started by: thesumis41666

Posted by thesumis41666 on Aug. 02 2004,13:23
how is it that  on my best friends comp, he can get a full desktop, icons and everything, and i try to boot on my comp, i goto the full enhanced desktop and nothing but the two taskbars pop up? when i boot, it starts out by just having the workspace bar, and it wont have anything but the two taskbars pop up.  is it just my pc, or is there something wrong with my bios or processor thats causing this?
Posted by tuqueelukee on Aug. 22 2004,22:27
I'm also having this problem. I can't seem to get a full desktop on my machine either, just a plain X desktop (w/ workspace bars and system monitor bar). I can't get a full desktop from either the CD or HD.

My config is this:
Compaq Prolinea 4/100
Processor: 486DX (can't remember the MHz)
450MB HD (with DSL installed on it)
DSL 0.7.3


Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 23 2004,01:13
soulds like you don't have enough memoryto use the Full Enhanced Desktop. Remember hoe DSL has a recommended amount of 64mb of RAM? The FED takes up a good chunk of that.

my suggestion is to make a swap partition.

just use cfdisk to make another partition and change it to type 82 (linux swap).


Posted by tuqueelukee on Aug. 23 2004,01:37
I've got a 75MB or so swap partition, still no FED.
Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 23 2004,03:58
Another reason the xtdesktop won't run may be the amount of colors you can
use, based on your video ram..  If your running at 640x480x4 or 800x600x4 ,
the desktop will only show the slit and pager, with a background. No icons.
Even if you select 8 or 16 bit color, the x server will downgrade itself to 4 colors.


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