no usb

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: no usb
started by: Coma

Posted by Coma on Aug. 21 2004,16:19
hi all  
i have a usb scanner and web cam and from what i have read in the forums i should see somthing in mnt like sda1.
i have rebooted and i get nothing
have tryed on 2 computors that i have with dsl on them
any1 know what i am doin wrong ?
 thanks pete

Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 21 2004,16:51
The "sda1" thing is what you see for USB Mass Storage Devices.

In other words, a USB-based thumb drive, digital camera card reader, hard drive. zip drive, etc.

Scanners and web cams use a different interface for USB.

You can usually find out information about support for specific models of USB devices here:

< >

and for scanners at:

< >

It will probably require the installation of additional programs in order to work, like Video4Linux to give an example.

Hope this helps.

Posted by Coma on Aug. 22 2004,16:15
cbagger01 your my hero followed the links posted and got my webcam driver .
ran script for webcam and it installed proper and worked with test in script
made shortcut to desktop all works fine!! scanner site was down so i will go back and check for the scanner driver to
thanks again

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