Kernel Source

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Kernel Source
started by: bpislife

Posted by bpislife on Aug. 20 2004,02:32

I really need help with one simple task.  I am trying to install LIRC for a remote, and i get through the ./configure and it tells me no kernel source was found.  After doing research i found out that the kernel source was purposely removed.  

the question is this, is there a way i can put the kernel source back in?  I am new to this type of Linux use, so any help is good help.

Also, this is a link to a site that walks through the steps to install the RF on Linux, the only problem is i don't understand it.  Can someone help me by deciphering wht it is i have to do.  The Xfree86 section doesn't look like the file in DSL and the RC.local (or something) doesn't match DSL.  Here is the link

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Please let me know what it is i have to do to make DSL run this RF remote.  LIRC would take care of the everything but if i can;t get the source i need the tutorial.  I looked at the other posts and they don't explain how to get the source and install it.  Like i said i am newer to Linux.

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