Adding Fluxbox-themes

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Adding Fluxbox-themes
started by: meo

Posted by meo on April 22 2004,13:10
It's pretty easy to add Fluxbox-themes to your remaster or to your HD-install. Download the theme you like from the net. Then do like this:

$tar zxvf xxx.tar.gz (this will probably result in two directories: "styles" and "backgrounds")

I usually use an usb-drive with two directories "Docs" and "styles" to store the themes. In the Docs directory I have a subdirectory named "backgrounds". After uncompressing the themes I just copy the background to the "backgrounds" subdirectory in Docs. The style-file I subsequently copy to the "styles" directory on the usb-drive (you can just as well use a HD partition for this). After that it's almost time for the remaster. First you have to edit the style-file a little. Open in your favorit editor (I use nano). Lock for the line that starts with rootCommand. Edit this line so your background jpg can be found and loaded. I usually edit it to look like this:

rootCommand  bsetbg -f /home/damnsmall/backgrounds/xxx.jpeg

If all the files are in place now you are ready to make your own remaster containing your own personal favorit-themes for Fluxbox.

Start by running from the live DSL-cdrom

Change the keyboard-layout (unless you have a us-keyboard)

$sudo loadkeys se-latin1

Become root and mount the right partition

$sudo su
#mount -rw /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3

Make the directories needed

#mkdir /mnt/hda3/source
#mkdir /mnt/hda3/newcd
#mkdir /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX

Copy necessary files to directory /newcd and /newcd/KNOPPIX

#cp -Rp /cdrom/index.html /mnt/hda3/newcd
#cp -Rp /cdrom/KNOPPIX/ /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX
#cp -Rp /cdrom/KNOPPIX/boot.img /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX

Copy the source-files to directory /source

#cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/* /mnt/hda3/source
#cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/.bash_profile /mnt/hda3/source

Copy your own stuff to /mnt/hda3/source (new Fluxbox-themes for example)

#cp -Rp /mnt/sda1/Docs/* /mnt/hda3/source/home/damnsmall
#cp -Rp /mnt/sda1/styles/* /mnt/hda3/source/usr/share/fluxbox/styles

Create the custom compressed image file:

#mkisofs -R /mnt/hda3/source | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

Create the iso-file as follows:

#cd /mnt/hda3
#mkisofs -r -J -b KNOPPIX/boot.img -c KNOPPIX/ -o myknoppix.iso newcd

Now it's ready to be burned to a disk. And the theme/themes you have added should be ready to use "out of the box". Just go to the menu Desktop>styles and you should find it. If not post a comment here and I will try to help. You can also add Fluxbox-themes to a HD-install. Just edit the style-file like above and put the background jpg in a directory called "backgrounds" in /home/damnsmall and it should work just fine.

Have fun out there,
Best wishes meo

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