can't boot from cd

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: can't boot from cd
started by: PsiLizard

Posted by PsiLizard on Aug. 30 2005,14:56
I just downloaded the dsl-1.4.iso and burned it to a cd. When I try to boot from it, I get as far as:

Scanning for USB devices... Done.
Accessing DSL image at /dev/scd0...

and it freezes there, with my keyboard's caps and scroll lock lights blinking.
I've tried on three separate computers and burned the cd twice, and every time I get the same result. What's going on?

Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Aug. 30 2005,15:10
It sounds like the iso wasn't downloaded all the way.  Try checking it against the MD5 or just redownloading it.
Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 30 2005,16:25

Search google for the MD5SUM program for DOS or WINDOWS and download it.

Then use the *.md5 file and the md5sum program to verify that your *.iso file was downloaded correctly.

Once you know that you have a good file, burn the iso to a CD-R disk at lowest possible speed.

Posted by PsiLizard on Aug. 30 2005,18:11
failed the md5 check, guess I have to download it again. Thanks for the help.
Posted by PsiLizard on Aug. 31 2005,15:40
I downloaded it again, and it works, on my laptop anyway. On my desktop, after it finishes loading everything in the prompt, I get a blank screen instead of the GUI coming up.
Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 31 2005,17:41
Try booting with this command at the boot prompt:


or maybe:

dsl vga=normal xsetup

and then try XVesa at some different resolution settings like 800x600x16bit
for example.

Posted by PsiLizard on Sep. 02 2005,19:35
nope, didn't work  :(
Posted by Robocoastie on Sep. 07 2005,23:00
similar issue,

DSL cd runs on my desktop system just fine but on my laptop I get as far as the "press return to boot" screen and then I get a blank screen.

However if I try with the arguement:

dsl vga=normal xsetup

I get as far as uncompressing Linux...ok booting the kernel

with the above underscore blinking and nothing after that.

i've also tried the arguements:

noapm  and

dsl noapic also have tried vga=safe and the frame buffer options.

Posted by Frank on Sep. 21 2005,14:04
Same with my box. CD starts on some other PCs. (so itīs not damaged, i guess)
Knoppix LiveCD starts OK.
Any hints ?
AMD XP+ 1600 256MB RAM, NVIDIA FX5200


Posted by der Stugger on Oct. 02 2005,20:42
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