hroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such fil

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Topic: hroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such fil
started by: new_user_lol

Posted by new_user_lol on Sep. 01 2005,11:40
hey, i just coppyed my remastered dsl to a difrent computer and now when i chroot into it i get the following error, "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory" the file is clearly there has anyone got any idears??
Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 01 2005,14:45
The only idea i have is that you are chrooting to the wrong directory.
Posted by new_user_lol on Sep. 02 2005,05:40
root@nick:/home/fester # chroot /new/new/source/
chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory
root@nick:/home/fester # cd /new/new/source/
.bash_profile     etc/               sbin/
.bash_profile~    floppy/           sys/
.bash_profileold  home/             mnt/              tmp
bin/              knoppix/          none/             usr/
boot/             lib/              opt/              var/
cdrom/            menu              proc/
dev/              menu~             root/

seems fine to me

Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 02 2005,14:11
I dunno what else to say, except maybe there's a weird thing with DSL's chroot or bash.  It does seem to be picky about using trailing slashes, so you might try that.  For instance, I've noticed that "ls directory" returns the directory itself, when "ls directory/" returns the contents.
Posted by clivesay on Sep. 02 2005,14:52
Make sure you have mounted the partition as root:

Code Sample
mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3

Or whatever your HD partition's name is.


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