cntrl+alt+esc to kill a window

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: cntrl+alt+esc to kill a window
started by: eight7876565

Posted by eight7876565 on Sep. 05 2005,22:18
Before recently starting to use DSL, I used knoppix- where cntrl+alt+esc gives a little skull and crossbones for the mouse cursor.  Clicking on a windows will then kill it.  This is handy when a window freezes.

With fluxbox in DSL I've noticed I can right klik on the title bar and choose kill client... but I sometimes have a problem with xmms which doesn't have a title bar.

Any other way to "kill client" ?

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Sep. 05 2005,22:57
In the menu, Apps >> Tools >> Xkill

or, open the Run dialog and type xkill.

exactly the same thing that knoppix does.

If you want to add a shortcut key, you can use the fluxbox keys file at /home/dsl/.fluxbox/keys

see the fluxbox omepage for the syntax required.


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