automatic logon and start playing music

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: automatic logon and start playing music
started by: speed

Posted by speed on Sep. 14 2005,21:22
I'm new to DSL and Linux, but this is what I want to do:

I have an old AMD K6 450 (128RAM, 4GB HDD) and I only want to use it as a big mp3 player. (I plan to build it into a very old radio, those with lamps and not transistors...).
Is it possible to change the startup so that I just have to push the power button, and wait for the music to start playing? (I know how to do it in windows, but don't know for linux)
(Later on, I can install a network card and add music via ftp...)


Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 14 2005,22:07
open /home/dsl/.xinitrc

Add "xmms -p &" (without the quotes) to a blank line right before "fluxbox." Make sure you make a playlistwith xmms!

Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 14 2005,22:16
P.S.  Later on you can use either ftp or samba to transfer music files to your DSL box.  You may also want to read up on the .xinitrc and files.
Posted by speed on Sep. 15 2005,06:56
thank you! I'll try that!
Posted by larkl on Oct. 06 2005,00:44

I can go a little further here (I have an old PC that I want to use for this).  How could I get it to automatically mount an inserted CD, rip all the songs off of it, then eject the CD?  I mean think of the hassle avoided.  Of course, there's all the junky songs that you don't really want, on all but a few albums (excuse me, CD's!).  I don't care if it all goes to one big playlist and then it all just plays randomly.   Anyway, you could run it headless.  I'm not sure that I'm up for all of the configuring a LCD remote to work.

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 06 2005,03:53
You'll probably need a script written for that, since it would require multiple applications.  mount and eject are already in DSL.  As far as I know there is nothing included in DSL to rip, but you could use the cdparanoia extension to do it.

As far as the actual script goes...well it probably wouldn't be too complicated, but i don't think i'd feel comfortable writing one here unless i had the desire to also test it (which i don't).

Posted by larkl on Oct. 06 2005,23:07

I'll play around with cdparanoia, lame and mpg123 for awhile.  Not sure how to trigger a script from the CD insertion (?).  Kind of hate to run  a cron every minute or so.  I'm sure there's a way around it.

Posted by chickenman on Oct. 22 2005,13:19
Sounds pretty cool, i was just playing around with the eject command -pretty cool. Crappy window$ will only allow me to eject my drives, even though the hardware is capable of closing also.

Now i can write scripts to open, and close the drive for no apparent reason. COOL!!

Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 23 2005,07:32
MS doesn't want anyone to sue them because the computer told the drive to close the tray and the user's finger got caught in there.

They need all of their lawyers to keep busy defending from antitrust lawsuits.

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