Hangs on shutdown

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Hangs on shutdown
started by: ccanzone

Posted by ccanzone on Oct. 29 2005,19:31
I'm running DSL on a IBM Thinkpad 390 (PII, 256Mb RAM, 3Com PCMCIA net card). When I try powering it off (by using Power Down menu, pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL or even typing shutdown (tried with -g0 -y and with -rn now)) the system simply hangs after a few seconds (no messages, not even kills the GUI).

I tried tracing the shutdown, but seems it don't save anything to investigate.

Tried it on a frugal install and on a Live CD boot. Same problem with both.

Tried on other computers (laptops and desktops) with no problem at all).

Any help on solving or even tracing will be welcome.

Kind regards,


Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 30 2005,05:57
Try searching google for

Thinkpad 390 shutdown linux

or something like that.

I bet this problem is not unique

Posted by ccanzone on Oct. 31 2005,14:20
Thanks, cbagger01. AAMOF I tried that, but today I gave this a new shot. The nearer I got was some messages regarding APM problems, but leading to recompile the kernel with some new parameters (http://ustilago.ifrance.com/linux390.html).
Yesterday I left the computer running, and it hung a few times, not only during reboot. I believe this APM issue can help.
The question is: how do I recompile the kernel with these parameters?

Posted by cbagger01 on Oct. 31 2005,17:56
Unfortunately, I am not an expert on kernel recompiling.

In fact, I have only done it once back in 2003 and that was using Peanut Linux which was easily preconfigured to do a kernel recompile.

The quick answer would be to install the gcc, ncurses and linux kernel header extensions from the myDSL repository and then give it a shot using some of the kernel compile help guides out there.

Good Luck.

Posted by ccanzone on Nov. 03 2005,23:41
Moving forward!!

Tried with (several times, several configurations) noacpi, acpi=no, acpi=force, noapm, apm=yes ... nothing worked out.

I realized that not even XWindow shutted down when tried powering off, so I tried not loading X at all (with "dls 2" cheatcode) and ... perfect!!! No X, no problem. When shutting down everything goes ok.

The new question is: what else doesn't load when cheatcoding "dsl 2"? Only XWindow? If not, how can I disable loading things one-by-one? If yes, is there another XManager I can try?

Sorry about the newbie doubts ... until now I was a simple Unix / Linux user ... but I'm getting deep.

Man, this DSL rules! The deeper I "snoop", the more I like it!

Thanks a lot (in advance) for any help!

Posted by Mauro Xavier on Nov. 06 2005,08:07
Well, I have two things that you can try:

1) put in your kernel parameters "nodma", this will slow down the access to IDE discs but see if this can solve your problem, if this works, back to "dma" to speed up your discs and use hdparm to turn off dma when shutdown your machine.

2) look to the file /etc/sysconfig/mydsl, if have some extension there, make a backup and put only a word "free" in this file.

If doesn't solve yet, let's gonna find another ways... Count with me ;)


Posted by ccanzone on Nov. 07 2005,14:59
Hello Mauro,

Tried both, with no goals. Seems xWindow crashes when shutting down.

It crashes too from time to time (couldn't find a pattern to simulate this).

I'll download another xWindow manager (as DSL package) and try running it to see what happens. Post the results here.

Any other idea welcome.

Kind regards,


Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 10 2005,05:49
Does it work if you boot with:



Posted by Key on Mar. 16 2006,08:06
No news on this issue?

Have the same problem :(

Posted by roberts on Mar. 16 2006,19:35
Key, you stated in another thread that booting dsl 2 would allow shutdown. Does a normal boot into X and then doing a manual exit of X to CLI prompt and then using a sudo shutdown -h now work?
Posted by Key on Mar. 16 2006,23:20

This post with "dsl 2" wasn't from me, but I have tried it now as well. Unfortunately without success. The "dsl 2" boot-option doesn't seem to work on my Thinkpad, the boot-behaviour is exactly the same as without this option. DSL boots with X (graphical surface). I also tried "dsl 2 toram" in order to see if other options are going to work. This "toram" option did work on next boot, but still with X (graphical surface).

Then I opened a CLI window, where I typed in the folowing: "sudo shutdown -h now". Command has been accepted and prompt has gone to next line. First seconds, nothing happend, I was able to move the mouse arrow around. Some later seconds, the mouse arrow position became frozen. Some more later seconds, the double-beep came out of the speaker. Same behaviour as with powerdown from the menu. Screen is exactly the same as before powerdown, but the whole system is frozen and after this double-beep, there is nothing further being done. Only a manual hardware power-off can be done then.

Posted by roberts on Mar. 16 2006,23:43
if you see this at runlevel 2 then that eliminates X and flux and possible memory leak.

double beep might indicate pcmcia

Try this command to see if there is an irq conflict on your hardware.
Look for pcmcia card, like yenta. Are you on dialup winmodem?

dmesg | grep irq

Posted by Key on Mar. 17 2006,16:49
Strange. I would understand this, when the system wouldn't boot with graphical surface (x, flux or however it is called). But in my case, I only get a boot with this graphical surface. The option "dsl 2" is ignored for any reason. My system has 128 MB Ram, this should be sufficient for most things.

You were wright with this double-beep.
I removed my pcmcia-ethernet-card and tried again. Result was exactly the same but without this double-beep. Does this mean that the system is still alive, but inputs from mouse or keyboard become blocked due to something wrong in system?
What was this double-beep for on the pcmcia-card?

I also did this "dmesg | grep irq" then.
In brief form:

PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
ide0 on irq 14
ide1 on irq 15
Yenta ISA PCI irq 11
Yenta ISA PCI irq 11
ttys14 (irq=11) is a Lucent Modem (is not connected)

Maybe I should try some bios power-management-options?
But why does it work with Win..?
Shutdown/Reboot is not problem with Win..

Unfortunately I can't try Knoppix, as my CD-drive don't work anymore on my Thinkpad. Bus as far as I remember .. hmm.. yes, it could have been that I also had problems with reboot and shutdown (in early Knoppix versions).

Any chance to get it running without these problems?

Posted by roberts on Mar. 17 2006,19:19
I think for your particular machine, it is hanging at trying to literally turn off the power. The double beep is normal.
So, your options are to poke around in bios settings for power mgmt settings and or try the boot options acpi=off noapic pnpnbios pci-bios. Also you could google for your machine and knoppix to see if anyone else has solved it with bios or boot options.

Posted by brianw on Mar. 18 2006,01:11
Key,  When you exit the window manager and type the shutdown command what do you see on the screen?
Posted by Key on Mar. 18 2006,11:27
Ok, all the boot options didn't help.
Also I didn't find anything in google regarding this problem.

I have not tried any bios changes yet.
This is what I maybe will try next somewhen.

Unfortunately I can't exit the window manager.
As soon as I press CTRL-ALT-DELETE, the system doesn't move on and the mouse freezes in the window manager.

Next thing I will try:
Pressing CRTL-ALT-DELETE und do a "sudo shutdown -h now". Maybe the system is still active, although the window manager is visible and the mouse is frozen. Sometimes (in this status), the LED is still flashing on the USB-drive.
But I assume that this will also bring no success ..

Posted by pr0f3550r on Mar. 18 2006,11:40
CRTL-ALT-DELETE is not a lInux thing.
Maybe you mean CRTL+ALT+<backspace>  and then "sudo halt"

Posted by Key on Mar. 18 2006,21:21
On this Thinkpad notebook, I don't see a difference between "CTRL-ALT-DELETE" and "CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE". Both look the same: "frozen screen".

On my other computer, I use "CTRL-ALT-DELETE" in order to escape the graphical surface and get to the command line interface.

Ok, I have some other news:

1. test:
- open "ATerminal"
- command "sudo halt"
- waiting time of appr. 1-2 minutes
- hit of RETURN key
>> computer shuts off, but in the frozen unchanged graphical window manager surface, without any new information on the screen.

2. test:
- open "ATerminal"
- command "sudo shutdown -h now"
- waiting time of appr. 1-2 minutes
- hit of RETURN key
>> computer shuts off, but in the frozen unchanged graphical window manager surface, without any new information on the screen.

3. test:
- right mouse-button in graphical surface
- in menu: .. power down > shutdown
- waiting time of appr. 1-2 minutes
- hit of RETURN key
>> computer shuts off, but in the frozen unchanged graphical window manager surface, without any new information on the screen.

4. test:
- right mouse-button in graphical surface
- in menu: .. power down > reboot
- waiting time of appr. 1-2 minutes
- hit of RETURN key
>> computer reboots, but in the frozen unchanged graphical window manager surface, without any new information on the screen.

What could be the reason, that the Thinkpad can't exit the graphical window manager surface? My Thinkpad has 2*64 = 128 MB Ram. Will it maybe help to resize the automatically generated ramdisk?

Posted by itceea on Mar. 26 2006,22:03
same notebook, same problem.

and I have absolutely no idea what I could do... wether live-cd or hd-install.. always freezes dsl 2.2b on shutdown/reboot from x. can't quit x. freezes.. only from textmode it's shutting down.. I remember that some very old dsl version did not freeze on that notebook..

acutually... have you ever tried just waiting for more than a minute ;) .. it really works.. tested twice with the live-cd... system powers off... kinda freaky cause it really locks up after selecting to shutdown but well.. unfortunally it does what it has to.. hope I can get keeping it up!

still freezes during, well, doing not that mutch. browsing workspaces... freaking.. at least, wlan is working. great! .. hm

Posted by Key on April 02 2006,17:55

Do you have the newest Firmware installed on your Thinkpad?
Unfortunately I have an older, but I can't update to a newer, due to a bad empty battery, which is not working anymore. Therefore it is not possible to update the firmware.

Yes, you can reboot and shutdown (see my previous message) but it is strange why the window manager freezes the display.

Posted by humpty on April 02 2006,20:48
I guess what's important is that you do manual backups
and manual unmounts before shutdown. Let's look on
the bright side, you can just switch off the power. How
many OSs can do that?

Posted by itceea on April 10 2006,14:37
.. when doing a HD install I can't simply power off :-/
... will try to upgrade the firmware...
... then heading for 2.3
.... the thing is I would run from cd, but it's way faster from hd .. :-o

Posted by itceea on April 10 2006,17:36
Quote (Key @ April 02 2006,13:55)

Do you have the newest Firmware installed on your Thinkpad?
Unfortunately I have an older, but I can't update to a newer, due to a bad empty battery, which is not working anymore. Therefore it is not possible to update the firmware.

it is possible. will try it..
< http://zurich.csail.mit.edu/hypermail/thinkpad/2002-02/0914.html >

Posted by Key on April 10 2006,18:22
Yes, I know, but I think that this is not for the 390E.

The files have other names and if you flash your firmware you should know what you do :)

Which files to be renamed, which files to be replaced?

Will you try this? :)

Posted by itceea on April 11 2006,11:27
I have the 390 and it worked.. had renamed the one file to bios.rom. platform.bin did already exist. worked.
but still freezes the system.
idea that did work well: change xsetup: fbdev (or sth like that - the lower one of both option ;)
shutting down without any problems

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