Troubleshooting mkmydsl

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Topic: Troubleshooting mkmydsl
started by: ccanzone

Posted by ccanzone on Nov. 07 2005,15:27
Hello all,

I'm running mkmydsl to create a customized DSL CD, but have some problems.

(In time: already tried running as root and "chmodded" the directories to 777)

When the script copies the files to the temporary directory (that will be the source to the new ISO), I get the following error on every file / directory:

"failed to preserve ownership for '<file/dir name>' operation not permitted"

But all files / dirs remain with correct ownership and group.

The ISO is created with no problems.

The main problem: all files / folders are created in lowercase. Even folder KNOPPIX with its file KNOPPIX are (both) in lowercase.

Tried renaming, but remains in lowercase. All the files I try creating in upper remain in lower (but, if I try "ls knoppix" I get no results).

Anything outside the directory can be "capitalized". The problem occurs only in the directory I created to do that.

By the way: It's a vfat mounted partition (FAT32).

Thanks in advance.

Posted by ccanzone on Nov. 07 2005,15:29
Sorry ... there was a typo ... if I try "ls KNOPPIX" I get no result ... trying "ls knoppix" I find the file.


Posted by cbagger01 on Nov. 10 2005,05:54
Try doing your mkmydsl from inside a linux partition instead of a FAT32 partition.

If you have enough RAM (find a computer that has 256MB or more), you can even do it from inside the dsl livecd ramdisk, inside /tmp or /home/dsl for example.

Otherwise, you need to create a linux partition (ext2 for example) on your hard drive.

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