Agenda-like program ?

Forum: Apps
Topic: Agenda-like program ?
started by: Scene

Posted by Scene on Dec. 05 2005,11:14

I've been looking all night for a nice but not too heavy Agenda/Todo-list program. What I would like is (and I've seen screenshots of this), a nice agenda/calendar thing AND then on my desktop see my todo list & tasks of the day...

ANy suggestions? Or perhaps they are already included but I just don't see it ? :)


Posted by Delboy on Dec. 05 2005,13:51
Try the J-pilot extension in the repository.  It installs and works fine on my ancient laptop with DSL. HD. installed.  It has several different functions and looks good.

< >

Posted by dsquared on Dec. 06 2005,03:30
try also Sunbird - the companion to Firebird - it is also in the repository under Net.
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